Religion doesn't need to die. What it needs to do is change with the times and incorporate a good understanding of human psychology in it's mythology that promotes a universal brotherhood and that isn't dominated by a self righteous Deity that needs to be obeyed without question.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Irreligious- Bill Maher
by purrpurr ini just watched this film on netflix.
if you haven't seen it its worth watching just for the ways he demolishes the religious advocates he interviews.. the most worrying things i saw in it were the us senator who says that having a high iq isn't a criteria for being senator and also all the muslims he interviews who despite claiming to have read the quran also claim that islam is a religion of peace..
Favorite Music Video
by WildTurkey in.
what is your favorite music video?
after shes my cherry pie, i like foo fighters learn to fly
God is busy with his property portfolio
by snare&racket inone way i managed to de-programme myself was to imagine the god of the universe being behind the desicions watchtower were making.
it first came to me when barbara anderson described being in a lift in bethel discussing a property or land sale that didn't go through and her musing over gods involvement.. we are meant to believe that the god who made the universe is behind this......
it stinks of greed, business and grandiose expansion.
Brokeback Watchtower
Jesus has been ruling since 1914 when Jehovah gave him the kingdoms of the world and he's been using the WT corporation to buy him some small pieces of real estate because Satan still holds the keys of the kingdom until Jehovah give's him the signal to throw him in the bottomless pit and kill off 99.999% of the earth human population and some innocent animals like house hold pets as we know from previous explosion's of Jehovah's rage that collateral damage will be very high.
Overlapping Generation/GB/Doug Sanderson
by Simon Morley inmy apologies of this topic has been covered already - please redirect me if it has:.
current belief is:.
watchtower (study edition), april 15th, 2010 issue, pages 27-29:.
Brokeback Watchtower
They are clearly running out of ideas and so they are clinging the the generation thing and stretching it out to the breaking point. It sucks when your caught in a delusion and searching for new ideas to keep it alive for the rest of the corporation lackeys. -
Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children
by Watchtower-Free inclip 3 minutes long.
ron and brenda sutton ................warwick 3 children
it was the missed association with family that brought them back.
Brokeback Watchtower
All I can say is listening to these parents and how they would shun their child in obedience to the WT corporation directives is that the WT corporation turn parents into sick corporate drones who will go to great lengths for bull shit reasons of corporate loyalty. God those GB need to be put in prison for what they are doing to families to keep their corporation running on ignorance. -
Our hall is asking for money...
by thedepressedsoul ini guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Brokeback Watchtower
I bet with all this money grabbing by the WT corporation going on a lot of account servants are going to start grabbing some of this cash for themselves. Expect more pilfering of congregation funds as a result.
Hey if I was an account servant and started having serious doubts about giving all this money to a bunch of frauds I have my hands in the cookie jar if you know what I mean with out a guilty conscience.
Our hall is asking for money...
by thedepressedsoul ini guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Brokeback Watchtower
This whole pledge thing is going to back fire on them big time and dry up any desire to give as the unconscious of even the more devote worshipers moves them to give less and less. Yes I see this whole thing as shit finally hitting the fan. -
Apost8News: "Return to Jehovah" Official Literature Release Video - 2015 Convention Lowlight
by cappytan inagain, thanks to wifibandit and pixel for their work behind the scenes..
Brokeback Watchtower
It funny how he feels that Jehovah trying to send a message to the wayward one that left serving corporate interest because soon he is going to mercilessly destroy every every non member of the WT corporation and members who have slacked off working for the corporation. -
2015 Convention
by wifibandit inpixel, cappytan, and wifibandit present for your consideration:.
the saturday program will be added tomorrow, followed by the sunday program the next day..
Brokeback Watchtower
AM#3 is awfully funny when he says after the video in a choked up voice : "I thing you agree Jehovah is very pleased with this video it represents and reflect his beautiful personality "
What a moron,, Jehovah is a ruthless killer of people and animals for bull shit petty reason if that is a beautiful personality I'll eat my hat.
Our hall is asking for money...
by thedepressedsoul ini guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Brokeback Watchtower
If they ask for a pledge make it as high as possible to get the branch's hopes up only to be dash it to the ground with reality when they see it the actual amount not even near the promised pledge amount. No need to feel bad about cheating a scoundrel like the watchtower.